Seller Tips to get your home ready for the Market Place

Here’s some great Seller information to get your home ready for the Market Place.  This includes making improvements to the interior and exterior of your home. The presentation of your home will bring you more buyers and a higher sales price.   Once you have your house ready for the market place there are some tips on getting ready for showings.


For some home owners that have had their home longer than 10 years it is hard to consider removing personal items in the home. The reason for asking the seller de-personalize is that buyers want to view the home as how they would want to live in it. If you are preparing for your own move, now is a good time to take down your family photos, any trophies and collectible items and box them up. It is a good idea to rent a storage unit or store your person items with friends or family. It’s not a good idea to store your boxes in the garage because this leads to clutter. Having your home in a presentable condition will bring you a higher sales price.


This is the hardest thing for most people to do because they are emotionally attached to everything in the house. After years of living in the same home, clutter collects in such a way that may not be evident to the homeowner. However, it does affect the way buyers see the home, even if you do not realize it. Clutter collects on shelves, counter tops, drawers, closets, garages, attics, and basements. Take a step back and pretend you are a buyer. Let a friend help point out areas of clutter, as long as you can accept their views without getting defensive. Let your Realtor help you, too.


The kitchen is a good place to start removing clutter, because it is an easy place to start. First, get everything off the counters, even the toaster. Put the toaster in a cabinet and take it out when you use it. Find a place where you can store everything in cabinets and drawers. Of course, you may notice that you do not have cabinet space to put everything. Clean them out. The dishes, pots and pans that rarely get used? Put them in a box, and put that box in storage, too.

You see, home buyers will open all your cabinets and drawers, especially in the kitchen. They want to be sure there is enough room for their “stuff.” If your kitchen cabinets, pantries, and drawers look jammed full, it sends a negative message to the buyer and does not promote an image of plentiful storage space. The best way to do that is to have as much “empty space” as possible.

For that reason, if you have a “junk drawer,” get rid of the junk. If you have a rarely used crock pot, put it in storage. Do this with every cabinet and drawer. Create open space.

If you have a large amount of foodstuffs crammed into the shelves or pantry, begin using them, especially canned goods. Canned goods are heavy and you don’t want to be lugging them around to a new house or paying a mover to do so. Its best to just use them up.

Beneath the sink is very critical, too. Make sure the area beneath the sink is as empty as possible, removing all extra cleaning supplies. You should scrub the area down as well, and determine if there are any tell-tale signs of water leaks that may cause a home buyer to hesitate in buying your home.


Closets are great for accumulating clutter, though you may not think of it as clutter. We are talking about extra clothes and shoes, things you rarely wear but cannot bear to be without. Do without these items for a couple of months by putting them in a box, because these items can make your closets look “crammed full.” Sometimes there are shoe boxes full of “stuff” or other accumulated personal items, too.


Many people have too much furniture in certain rooms. If you are one of them it’s a good idea to downsize too that your furniture does not take up so much room. When a buyer walks into your home, he or she is visualizing how they would live in your house and how their furniture would fit in.


Basements, garages, attics, and sheds accumulate not only clutter, but junk. These areas should be as empty as possible so that buyers can imagine what they would do with the space. Remove anything that is not essential, and take it to the storage area.


If you need to have a yard sale to downsize go ahead and have one.   We have found most people will have a yard sell and someone stopping by might just know of someone that is interested in your home.